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21 November, 2019

Hypnosis, Australian-style

Hypnosis Live is hypnosis minus the Vegas flash – still polished but authentic with a behind-the-scenes peek into how it all works.

Maybe it’s hypnosis Australian style. Isaac Lomman is a showman with the heart of an educator.

It’s a combination that works well in Hypnosis Live.

This show has plenty of laughs and good-natured fun, and everybody is treated with respect.

Isaac was excellent at giving us a little understanding into how the process works to make everyone more comfortable before gathering his volunteers (there were some noticeably nervous audience members when we arrived).

A couple of times the whole audience tried an exercise and if nothing else it was incredibly relaxing.

Some of the antics on stage worked and some didn’t, but for us that made it all seem more real.

Isaac had one member of the audience acting as a super-spy, another answering a show phone and one completely besotted with her neighbour.

This show was good, clean, family-friendly fun.

We had some laughs, learned a little and were all a little bit hypnotised by Isaac’s skill.

Try it – it’s mesmerising!