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28 November, 2019

Superbly imaginative wondrous fun

It’s difficult to say what one should expect from a magic performance.

If you’re thinking rabbit out of a hat then you’ve got the wrong show.

Without giving it away, this show goes one better in the animal stakes.

Internationally acclaimed Matt Tarrant and his show “Unsolved” is superbly imaginative, fast-paced and funny, and is suitable for all age groups.

It is no surprise that Matt Tarrant is one of the highest-selling solo acts in the history of the Adelaide Fringe and picked up the Adelaide Fringe award earlier this year.

Unsolved is filled with amazing tricks, some involving audience participation, most that will leave you filled with wonder and amazement as to what you’ve actually witnessed.

On the other end of the scale at times he had the audience perched on the edge of their seats in sheer horror.

Unfortunately, not everything went accordingly to plan with a couple of technical difficulties during the performance but Matt Tarrant being a true showman didn’t miss a beat and used humour to round out what was a fabulous evening’s entertainment.

Run don’t walk peeps – this is a goodie and not to be missed.