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9 September, 2021

If you see one show during the Brisbane Festival make it this one

After a slightly rocky start with the MC speaking a little too fast to be understood clearly and with so many tangents it was distracting.

This may well have been a little bout of first-night nerves.

Now that’s my only complaint out of the way.

The rest of the night was incredible, I was in awe of the skill of the aerialist and the juggler, belly laughed so very hard at the nonstop comedy and envied the costuming.

The dance routines were funny and skilled and just a delight to watch. The entire show was amazingly well produced and rehearsed until it shone like one of the many pieces of diamante on stage.

The Brief Boys with their now extended cast have simply done it again.

Never seen drag? See this!

Without giving away any spoilers the workaround for COVID restricted audience participation was nothing short of genius.

Just what the pandemic Doctor ordered.