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21 September, 2019

Tia Gostelow uses her music to deliver stories of life that resonate well with her young audience

The Spiegeltent stage was transformed brilliantly to accommodate a young standing audience.

Tia’s style was calm but she was in full command of her set of original songs, some written when she was 15.

The 4-person band connected well throughout the well-rehearsed performance which recently toured Europe with Tia’s album “Thick Skin”.

Harmonies and musical talent were brilliant and despite the low lighting, the drummer stole the show on several occasions.

It was a little hard to hear the name of some of the songs as they were introduced.

Energy generally was fairly subdued until the (triple j) ‘Like a Version’ performance of “Strangers” when the band really came alive … to a dynamic audience response!

Tia is a fabulous songwriter and insight into her new album offered promise that the best was yet to come.