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30 June, 2021

Wow! What a way to tackle the tough stuff in life!

We are all going through challenges that sometimes aren’t so obvious on the surface.

This show is a real reminder to show kindness to others no matter what we are going through because we never really know what others are facing.

A fast-paced 60-minute show reflecting the speed of our changing world.

Set in a high school with a cast of two.

The cast transforms seamlessly into a multitude of well-thought-out, rich characters.

Some deeper than others — flirty school receptionist Karen is hilarious.

A good reminder to talk more and seek help when you need it.

As a society, we need to start the journey towards mental wellness and undo the ill effects of stereotyping.

After all, what does strength really look like?

The performers were excellent and the sound & lighting flawless.

Extremely well received, well done crew!!!