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19 Aug-9 Sep 2023

Billie Brown Theatre

Queensland Theatre

A gently funny, almost gothic tale about land, family and reconnection.

Joan needs her father. She hasn’t seen him since he left her and her Mum when she was just a little girl. She wants answers, she wants history, she wants to know more about who she is.

Travelling into country as remote as it is strange to this city girl, Joan finds Mick. He doesn’t speak much, and bears little resemblance to the man who taught her to play Scrabble all those years ago. But amid the flies, the heat, the dust and the stillness of this small river town lurk many ghosts and mysteries. Over cups of tea and Scrabble in Mick’s weather-beaten old house, Joan is about to discover some family secrets that have been hidden below the surface for decades.

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