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8 Sep 2023

Across West End

Presented by Brisbane Festival and Queensland Government

Meanjin Recovered.

Songwriter Jessie Lloyd, Brisbane Blacks Elders Aunty Dawn Daylight, Uncle Adam Hopkins, Uncle Barry Tanner, Auntie Chantay Link and Kylie Deen and the team from West End Community House come together to present Meanjin Recovered.

This world-premiere show weaves storytelling and song writing tools to illustrate a historical timeline of Meanjin Brisbane through the lens of First Nations people. Meanjin Recovered documents the history of the city as we know it today… but perhaps not in a way you have had the opportunity to hear before.

Join Jessie, the Brisbane Blacks Elders, Kylie and West End Community House as they engage in truth-telling practice to share the vital history of these lands.

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